Back to the beginning again...

Well, 2005 is long past, but everyone loves a photo retrospective, even if it is late in coming. I started the year in the company of friends and loved ones. I remember that clearly. Then things get a little hazy. I do recall having sangria just before a ferry ride to San Francisco, some time in mid May.
After a few glasses of fruited wine, we crossed the Bay in a big boat, as the moon rose and the sun begain to set. In the city we enoyed a pelaton and a merry-go-round and assorted related and unrelated merriment. We had a devil of a time getting back Oakland though--KFOG held a free concert and all of San Francisco decided to ride BART simultaneously.

In June I headed to Pittsburgh for the annual Porter Family Reunion. Gramma Porterphine's children, grands, greats, and great great grands gathered at Penn State University, Mckeesport to remember and believe. I debuted my video documentary of the family history, as told by my eldest uncle, Cardie Jones. The video was about a half an hour long, but if you have 3 minutes and Quicktime, you can watch the first few minutes of the photo collage.

And what else happened in 2005? I went to Rohit's wedding. It kicked ass. There were all manner of festivies, including traditional dancing, mango ice cream, a few hours at a sports bar, and Rohit in a horse-drawn carriage. I love that guy. I think if Jesus were from India, he'd look something like Rohit on his wedding day.