Saturday, October 18, 2008

Greg Watson: 12 degrees of freedom

Greg Watson discussed "Twelve Degrees of Freedom," Buckminster Fuller's concept that nature works omni-directionally and we always have twelve options at every choice point.

Linear thinking is not what Bucky was talking about. He was talking about whole systems wisdom:

  • Closed systems
  • Feedback loops
  • Synergy: emergent properties
  • Interconnectedness
  • Complementary
  • Cradle to cradle design. There is no "away" to throw anything

Bucky talked about the trimtab factor. Use leverage--a small trimtab turns a bigger rudder which turns a large ocea going vessel. Watson gave some really great examples of using trimtabs for social change. An early farmer's market in Massechusettes and the Dudley Street project which transformed a neighbor b using immenent domain (!) to allow community residents to rebuild their community with their own vision of sustainable development.

Then my battery died and I had to go analog. I'll transcribe my notes later later later.

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