Monday, September 15, 2008

On Sarah Palin and White Privilege

Tim Wise unpacks Sarah Palin's invisible knapsack of white privilege:

"White privilege is when you can get pregnant at seventeen like Bristol Palin and everyone is quick to insist that your life and that of your family is a personal matter, and that no one has a right to judge you or your parents, because “every family has challenges,” even as black and Latino families with similar “challenges” are regularly typified as irresponsible, pathological and arbiters of social decay."

Check out the full post on

1 comment:

Carey said...

Palin scares the pants off of me. She is the opposite of everything I believe in. And "first dude", come on! Eck. I think we might go move in with my sister in law in England if McCain/Palin pull it out.