Saturday, February 18, 2006

Blasted organics!

There's nothing worse than a moldy fungus. Just imagine my chagrine when I discovered that my hellof expensive organic oyster mushrooms had grown a layer of penicillin while awaiting their turn in the cookpot. Blasted organics! I just bought those mushrooms! Okay, I bought them on Wednesday and today is Saturday, so whatever.

My Saturday night supp is inspired by the stuff in my fridge: scallops, shrimp, a little bit of crab meat leftover from my Thursday night DIY sushi situation, oyster and shitake mushrooms and this little nifty little tool. I chucked the oyster mushrooms, typed the other stuff in the search box and landed here. I didn't have half the required ingredients or any past experience with Béchamel Sauce, but I have six wee tiny ramekins, so I decided to run with it. I made the Béchamel with soy milk, but I used a shitload of butter and the aforementioned creatures of the sea so I don't think this meal will appear in the Vegan Lunchbox anytime soon.

The entree is baking now; I'm pondering steamed green beans and swigging a Black Toad Distinctive Dark Ale. I'll post a picture when it's ready.

Ah, fine dining in the glow of my 15" Powerbook. Does Saturday night get better than this?

1 comment:

dj love said...

its lovely nifa
and its so good to hear from you
the only thing that would make it better is if i was there with you
coming to oakland in mid june for nwsa
i am giving a paper on my diss
hope you can come!