Wednesday, August 24, 2005

bingeing on web 2.0 feeds

So I've been trying to shut down for hours, but now that I only have 31 minutes of battery life left, maybe I will get some sleep. I've been on a bit of a bender with flickr and a few other fun new toys. The Personal Bee is a totally 2.0 way to keep track of what's hot--one day maybe I'll have my own bee, but in the mean time the public bees are pretty good. I'm running out of minutes, and I don't want to get out of my snug little hotel bed to get my power cord, so a few quick thoughts will have to do:

I want everyone I know to download Google Talk and call me immediately. I've had Skype for ages and I'm still walllowing in silence.

How does one get ahead in the blogosphere when all of your friends and colleagues are fully 1.0?

I'm awash in new things to explore, but top of list are wordpress and flock.

And thank goodness for bar camp. All the buzz on this anti-foo fest has led me to great reading on web 2.0 stuff.

End of binge. Need a new feed.

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